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Home : Teaching & Beliefs : Oracles - Goddess Adhiparasakthi

As rain comes from clouds, spiritual growth comes from Mother Adhiparasakthi.

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Energy is manifest in various forms such as mental energy, animal energy,
nature's energy, stone's energy and wind energy.
Living beings, like fish, crab and dove have their own energy.
Adhiparasakthi is nature's mental energy.

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The family is a temple and the temple is a family.
I am a temple.

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As the world is surrounded by oceans so also you are surrounded by me.

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My grace is for everyone here.
Rich people get it,
Poor people get it,
Only fakes don't get it.

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A mother does not forsake her child even if he is a thief.
Instead she feeds him with good food.
Likewise, even if you make mistakes I am there to help you.

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When your longing for ME is sincere and so much as you efface your ego,
that much of My grace will I bestow you with.

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Do your services.
In return I shall take care of your responsibilities.

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I am bound by two things.
Firstly Bhakthi (devotion).
Secondly by your selfless services.

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I am bound by two things.
Firstly your Bhakthi (devotion).
Secondly by your self-less service.

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I shall pardon all sins.
But there is one which even I can not pardon.
It is egoism.
I shall never forgive egoism.

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A mother will not disown her son even if he is a thief.
She will feed him milk and fruit and bring him up.
In the same way, even if you commit misdeeds I shall see to your welfare.

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When you engage in spiritualism with sincerity and devotional service,
I shall reveal my presence to you.

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I am like a little pencil in His hand.
That is all.
The pencil has nothing to do with it.
The pencil is only being used.

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You should know about yourself. For this you need spirituality.
As a magnet attracts certain things, I attract you to spirituality by telling you that if you do certain things,
certain benefits will accrue.

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Son, I have the ability to change your fate.
Normally I don't interfere with your fate.
However, when you show true devotion and surrender unto me
and seriously do whatever job I give you,
I take upon myself the job of changing your fate.

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Without my will not even a single atom will move.
I am like an atom inside an atom.
By positioning myself like that, I am developing spirituality.

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People commit sins and then come and submit to me.
I accept even them.
In due time they will be punished for their sins.
Yet since they came to me seeking Mother they will also reap some benefits from me.

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I have given rational thinking to everybody.
You can't be sure that everybody is using it.
You worship only a stone.
Even for that I protect and save you.

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Whoever is eligible for my blessings will receive them here.
Don't think only rich and powerful people can receive my blessings.
Poor and ordinary people receive many blessings from me.
Only fakes don't receive my blessings.

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