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Home : Teaching & Beliefs : Oracles - Yourself & Others

For the betterment of mankind joint community worship is essential.

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When dark clouds gather, it rains.
Likewise, if you engage in charitable activities, evil will be washed away.

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When you remove a plant from one place and transplant it to another place
the roots gain strength and new leaves sprout.
The more water you take from the well the more it gives.
Likewise, if you perform charitable activities with a good heart
you will get more and more opportunities for your own growth.

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The parched land prospers from rain.
The more you cut grass the more it grows.
The more you spend for spiritual service the more you prosper.

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As a small chisel can cut open a mountain, a small atom can render big damage (atom bomb),
likewise a small service that you perform can go a long way.

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Everyone of you should enthusiastically serve here.
Luxury and things of beauty won't satisfy me.
I like only your true service to mankind.

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Even if you are fasting, you should do annathanam (feeding the poor) to ten persons.
In a way, fasting does good to your body.
In another manner those who are fed by you will bless you.
These blessings in turn will bring many benefits to you.

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If you care for another person's child, your child will be blessed and will grow properly.
Learn to mix with the community.

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Work for the benefit of others.
Their benefit will raise your status immediately.
On the other hand, think only about yourself and you will be destroyed.

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The small atom bomb can do mighty things.
Likewise, each little service that you do has the potential power of an atom bomb.

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A single seed becomes many a fruit and a single branch becomes many branches.
Similarly, even though you are single person you can do good to many others.

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In sprituality there should be selfless thoughts.
Take others' troubles/difficulties and treat them as yours.
In the older days people had these kinds of feelings.

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