Part 5 Hinduism and the Om Sakthi Movement
Hinduism is more a philosophy than a religion and is a source of all religions. All religions have come out of Hinduism. Now we try to define a Hindu. A Hindu is one who believes in the following:
1. Sanathana Dharma
2. The theory of transmigration
3. The immortality of Soul
4. The teachings of the Vedas
Sanathana Dharma
"Speak the truth, do the right" - TAITT HIRYA UPANISHAD. This is the quintessence of Sanathana Dharma. Truth is God. Truth is Brahman. Truth is Adhiparasakthi. He who seeks to attain Adhiparasakthi must speak the truth alone. All his actions must be righteous, for an unrighteous man cannot speak truth. Sathyam and Dharma are the end and the means of realizing God.
Hinduism is a religion that has come down to us from prehistoric times. It is a religion of Vedas. The Hindus have received their religion through the revelation of the Vedas. The Vedas are without beginning and without end because the Vedas are not books. They are an accumulated treasury of spiritual laws discovered by different people at different times. The discoverers of these laws are called Rishis and are considered perfected beings. It should be noted that some of the greatest of them were women.
Hinduism is a very ancient religion and is known as Sanathana Dharma, the 'Eternal Religion', not only because it embodies the fundamentals of religion and true religious spirit, unaffected by time and clime, but also because of its inherent strength and capacity to meet all the challenges from time to time and its resilient spirit. Sanathana Dharma, or Hinduism, means the Religion Eternal. It is one of the most ancient religions. Down the ages it has accumulated countless spiritual treasures. Innumerable saints, sages, prophets and incarnations have appeared and nurtured it and have been nurtured by it. There is no religious idea anywhere in the world for which one cannot find a parallel in Hinduism. Religion is purely a human phenomenon.
Hinduism is an Indian religion and is therefore also known as Bharatha Dharma. The three main divisions of Bharatha Dharma are:
1. Brahminic
2. Buddhist
3. Jaina
This excludes the other three semantic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
The general Indian Religion or Bharatha Dharma holds that the world is an order or cosmos. The world order is Dharma which is that by which the universe is upheld. Dharma means Righteousness. Whenever Dharma declines and Adharma (Disorder) begins, the Almighty appears on the earth plane as Avatar to set right things.
The Vedas teach us that creation is without beginning or end. There was never a time when there was no creation. Creation and creator are two concentric circles. The beginning and end cannot be identified. Adhiparasakthi is ever active providence and by her power, systems are being evolved one after another out of chars made to run for a time and again destroyed.
The Vedas declare that man is a spirit living in a body. The spirit is not the body. The body will die. But the spirit, soul or atman will never die. The soul is living in this body and it will go on living. The Soul had a past also. The soul was not created. There must have been causes, before a man's birth to make him miserable or happy and those were his past actions.
Hinduism is a religion that has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. Hinduism not only believes in Universal toleration, but also accepts all religions as true. Hinduism is a source for all religions, namely Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc.
Based on the Vedhas, there are six major Religions. They are Saivam, Vaishnavam, Saktham, Ganapathiyam, Kaumaram and Sowram. They are all collectively known as Hinduism. Macrocosm or cosmic consciousness that is infinite is rightly called Paramatman or Supreme Brahman or Infinity or Adhiparasakthi. The above mentioned six branches have given six names to the Supreme. They are Siva, Vishnu, Ambika or Adhiparasakthi, Ganapathy, Karthikeyan and Surya Narayanan. Ambika or Adhiparasakthi is the Supreme Goddess who is having all the Gods within Her. If you worship any of the Gods it is actually the worship of Adhiparasakthi.
The Om Sakthi Movement
The Sakthi faith or worship of Sakthi is one of the oldest and most widespread religions in the world. Om Sakthi is the updated version of the Sakthi cult and is harmonious with some of the teachings of modern philosophy and science. Mighty Mother of Nature is the most ancient among the ancients, the Adya Sakthi, the Adhiparasakthi, the Dusk Divinity.
The Om Sakthi Movement is genuinely historically authorized, natural and transcendental due to its being based on Devi Bhagavatham. Sakthi Philosophy is the origin of the Om Sakthi movement. The term, Saktha philosophy, covers the entire field of Saktha culture in India and existed even in the days of the pre-historic Indus-Valley Civilization.
The cult of Sakthi had a profound influence on general Indian thought. There are different schools of Saktha culture. The Om Sakthi Movement is one among them and here we are going to analyze it. Om Sakthi Movement is also known as Adhiparasakthi Cult, Om Sakthi Cult, Adhi Sakthi Movement, Sakthi Movement, Adhiparasakthi Movement. These all refer to one and the same. The Om Sakthi Movement is a Universal Movement. The Om Sakthi Movement is gradually becoming the most popular spiritual movement in the entire world, especially amongst the younger generation. It is becoming more and more interesting to older generations also.
There are different forms of Sakthi worshipped by devotees. Divine Mother Adhiparasakthi whom these Sakthas worship is not a sectarian Deity but the Supreme Creator, Preserver and Destroyer of the Universe who comes in human form from time to time and plays with servitors when their devotion gets incandescent.
In the Om Sakthi Movement, Adhiparasakthi is the supreme deity and "OM SAKTHI" and "PARASAKTHI" are the "Taraka Mantras" or the divine formulae or the Divine name. The "Moola Mantras" or the divine formulae or the Divine Names. The Moola Mantra or the source Mantra is as follows:
Om Sakthiye! Para Sakthiye!
Om Sakthiye! Adhi Parasakathye!
Om Sakthiye! Maruvoor Arasiye!
Om Sakthiye! Om Vinayaha!
Om Sakthiye! Om Kamatchiye!
Om Sakthiye! Om Bangaaru Kamatchiye!
By Moola Mantra we mean the basic mantra or the source mantra. This is the origin and the Moola Mantra is chanted or pronounced first before chanting other Mantras.
The much adorable Goddess Adhi Sakthi or Adhiparasakthi is a manifestation of Sakthi, the power or energy to whom Brahma, Vishnu and Siva offer obeisance. Without Her, nothing in this world can move, nothing can work. Even Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the protector, and Siva, the God of dissolution of the Universe, are aspects of Adhiparasakthi and it is according to Her wishes that they carry out their respective functions of creation, sustenance and destruction.
Adhiparasakthi proclaims Her greatness in the Devisuktha, "I am the Sovereign Queen, the treasury of all treasures; the chief of all objects of worship; whole all pervading self all the Gods manifest; whose birthplace is in the midst of the casual waters; who breathing forth, gives form to all created worlds and yet extends beyond them...."
Sakthi and Siva are one and the same. In fact Sakthi and Siva are Advaitha. In the Sakthi cult, God is known as Goddess. The Supreme Deity has no gender, neither male nor female nor neuter. The Supreme Deity is beyond all these things. In the Sakthi cult, Para Brahman is known as Para Sakthi.
This movement has originated from Adhiparasakthi Herself and it was started a very long time ago but is coming down to human society under a new name with reformed principles. For centuries, the Adhiparasakthi Movement was kept in the dark due to the action of Saiva and Vaishnava Saints and now it has been introduced by an Avatar with reformed concepts more suitable for this present age.
The Om Sakthi Movement is based on Sanathana Dharma and Vaithika Dharma as already said in the outset. Sanathana Dharma means the eternal religion, the Ancient Law. Vaidhika Dharma means the religion of Veda. The Om Sakthi Movement embodies the eternal fundamentals of religion and true religious spirit, unaffected by time and claim. It has an inherent strength and capacity to meet all the challenges from time to time, and has a resilient spirit.
Now let us consider the nature and character of the Om Sakthi Mission. It has a two fold ideal and four purusarthas. What is the two fold ideal? (1) Advancement into the world of action, that is, attainment of secular welfare and (2) Turning into the world of spirit, that is, attainment of the highest spiritual good - the summum bonum of all living beings. Moksha is the Summum Bonum of life.
By purusarthas we mean human ends. The four human ends are:
1. Dharma (Duty and Virtue)
2. Artha (Wealth and achievements)
3. Kama (Pleasure)
4. Moksha (Spiritual emancipation)
In the above two-fold ideal and four human ends, the Om Sakthi Mission comprehends all the arts and sciences and all the achievements of life, both in secular and spiritual fields. The concept of Om Sakthi Movement is to attain total knowledge. Total knowledge constitutes the knowledge of both the observable Universe, the object, and the observing subject. The Jiva, the reflection of the Atman in the Budhui is the conscious knowing subject, and both the external universe of the five elements and the internal universe of mind, egoism, senses, feelings, intelligence, empirical consciousness etc., are its observable objects.
All upanishads, Munduka, Taittiriya, Chandogya, Brhadaranyaka, etc., state that the observable universe, all knowledge, all arts and sciences including the experiencing human personality, have emerged from the Atma/Brahma, the ultimate, Infinite, spiritual Reality. The mundaka upanishad states that brahma - Vidya, that is, the science of Brahma/Atma, is the foundation as well as culmination of all knowledge and sciences.
Now let us analyze the four human ends. Dharma means duty and virtue. What is Dharma? Dharma is that which helps to accomplish secular welfare and spiritual emancipation (Moksham). The Om Sakthi Mission appreciates legitimate wealth, achievements, desires and aspirations without which life would be meaningless. That is why the Om Sakthi Mission makes the Grahasta (House holders) eligible for emancipation. The only human ends the world pursues today are artha and kama. The world ignores Dharma, let alone moksham, and this has led us to the present state of crisis. There in no psychological outlet into the infinite for the tensions that build up within the narrow self-centered psyches of the individuals and they are prone to burn up violently.
The Om Sakthi Mission is not a mere religious faith, not even a mere way of life. The quest of the Om Sakthi Mission is for the ultimate, infinite, spiritual Reality (Brahman, Adhiparasakthi) behind the universe and the relationship of that reality of the Universe and the innate spiritual principle in man, his self or Atman, so that man can attain the highest spiritual freedom (Mukthi or Moksham) that is a state without further births and deaths. It is a quest for infinite perfection or Poornam. It is a Reality/Truth based quest. It holds that Truth is Adhiparasakthi and not Adhiparasakthi is Truth and that Truth is untainted as the Innerself of antar atman of all. It is the Eternal witness within and subject of all objective phenomena, including Adhiparasakthi. Adhiparasakthi is acceptable only to the extent that She is the expression of Truth.
Adhiparasakthi is she who art vowed to Truth. Who holds Truth as the highest, who art the Truth of all times - past - present - future - who art the source of Truth and art hidden in Truth. She is the Truth of all phenomenal truths. Truth and Right, that is, cosmic order, are Her two eyes and She Herself is the Truth - She is the very embodiment of Truth.
The Om Sakthi Movement lays emphasis on the realization of spiritual Reality and not on belief in particular doctrines and dogmas. Adhiparasakthi is considered to be all-pervading and indwelling in all beings and entities as their Innerself or antaratman and not as an Almighty Being confined to Heaven. The Universe arises from Her or rather She projects it from within Herself. The souls which are uncreated are Her integral parts and, like sparks of fire, are of the same nature as Adhiparasakthi and are immortal by nature. The Om Sakthi movement accepts the Law of Karma and Rebirth or Samsara, the Universal Law of causation operating at all levels in the Universe - physical, mental, moral and physical. Only the self or atman is free from the Law, being its very Source and being infinite.
In the Om Sakthi Movement, Hinduism has been reorganized in terms of the requirements of the times, clearing it of harmful accretions accumulated over a long period. The system has been adequately modified to suit and time under the concept of Yuga - Dharma provided for by the ancient sages themselves. The Om Sakthi Movement is a cleaned version of Hinduism and hence the Sanathana Dharma will ever remain, and will shine more gloriously. The basic principles of Grahastha are sound and universal and can be of great service to humanity even now for evolving a non-violent and non-destructive method of integrating humanity as a whole in the context of planned life, oriented to the fulfillment of secular and spiritual ideals.
Adigalar is trying to unravel the ultimate, infinite spiritual reality and to expand humanities vision and adjust life to it. Adigalar says that we have expanded our scientific knowledge of the universe, but shrink into narrow physical selves and we are trying to utilize our knowledge for selfish, material ends and egoistic pursuits. Hence, we are creating and augmenting national, racial, religious, class and their types of conflicts.
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