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8/15 - Canada Mandram Aadhi Kanchi Celebration on Aug 22nd [Here] |
Site Updates |
10/13 - New page added to help visitors find mandrams or people interested in Om Sakthi. |
Humanity stands at a point in history where the world is shrinking and our different cultures and religions are in conflict. This has the potential to destroy almost everything we have accomplished in our short time on this world. This diversity is the wealth of our world and should be embraced. If people realize that we all share the same God and that He/She has allowed us this diversity so that we can each find our own way to Her/Him, then we can accept our differences and even embrace them in peace.
The Om Sakthi Spiritual Movement
Also known as the Adhiparasakthi Movement, the purpose of the Movement is to bring Adhiparasakthi's message to the world and serve humanity by helping those in need. Our Guru, known as Amma (Tamil for mother), is the Guiding Light and Spiritual Force behind the Movement. He/She teaches that the greatest form of worship is service to humanity and that we can all serve God together within our individual religions without strife, thus the motto: "One Mother One World." The Movement undertakes many charitable and educational activities through the Adhiparasakthi Trust and urges its devotees to take an active role in helping people in their communities.
Video Tour of Temple |
Moola Mantra |
Ohm Saktheeyei! Paraa Saktheeyei! |
Ohm Saktheeyei! Aadhi Paraa Saktheeyei! |
Ohm Saktheeyei! Maruvoor Araseeyei! |
Ohm Saktheeyei! Ohm Veenaayagaa! |
Ohm Saktheeyei! Ohm Kaamaatcheeyei! |
Ohm Saktheeyei! Ohm Bangaaru Kaamaatcheeyei! |
Ohm Sakthi! |
Find more mantras on Om & Mantras page . |
It is not enough for a devotee clad in red to be involved in spirituality only. They should work together in unity and peace and forget about jealousy.
The fate of the world can be completely changed for the better if one lives like this.
- Amma's oracle











